How to Write Aion® House Scripts
by Paul Keating
Barnes and Noble
Kindle e-book (technical problems at Amazon)
Nook Book
You’ve got your Aion house set up almost right. A nice carpet. Lovely new bed. Pictures on the walls. Maybe even some
partitions. But that carpet is a little small. The pictures hardly dominate. And you’d love some music to welcome you when
you get home after a hard day of sieges and dredgion.
You’ve searched the Internet for information on how to write scripts. At best you’ve found a Giant script, some bits of music
you don’t really like, and hints that there is possibly some information in Korean or Russian somewhere. You’ve managed to
customise your Butler’s welcome messages. But nowhere can you find the information you need to create your own, unique
Search no more. This book tells you everything you want to know, (and probably a lot you don’t.) Every available script
function is explained. Code samples get you working on your stuff quickly. Even the music system is explained, so that you
can put together renditions of your favourite songs.
Paul Keating is a professional programmer who has learned more than 25 programming languages (not counting dialects),
and has put over 30 years of programming experience into deciphering the script system─creating a version of Richard
Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries” for his wife’s Cleric in the process.
Free Examples
Published August 2016
How to Write Aion® House Scripts
by Paul Keating
Barnes and Noble
Kindle e-book (technical problems at Amazon)
Nook Book
You’ve got your Aion house set up almost right. A nice
carpet. Lovely new bed. Pictures on the walls. Maybe
even some partitions. But that carpet is a little small.
The pictures hardly dominate. And you’d love some
music to welcome you when you get home after a hard
day of sieges and dredgion.
You’ve searched the Internet for information on how to
write scripts. At best you’ve found a Giant script, some
bits of music you don’t really like, and hints that there is
possibly some information in Korean or Russian
somewhere. You’ve managed to customise your Butler’s
welcome messages. But nowhere can you find the
information you need to create your own, unique scripts.
Search no more. This book tells you everything you
want to know, (and probably a lot you don’t.) Every
available script function is explained. Code samples get
you working on your stuff quickly. Even the music
system is explained, so that you can put together
renditions of your favourite songs.
Paul Keating is a professional programmer who has
learned more than 25 programming languages (not
counting dialects), and has put over 30 years of
programming experience into deciphering the script
system─creating a version of Richard Wagner’s “Ride of
the Valkyries” for his wife’s Cleric in the process.
Free Examples
Published August 2016
How to Write Aion® House Scripts
by Paul Keating
Barnes and Noble
Kindle e-book (technical problems at Amazon)
Nook Book
You’ve got your Aion house set up almost right. A nice carpet. Lovely new
bed. Pictures on the walls. Maybe even some partitions. But that carpet is a
little small. The pictures hardly dominate. And you’d love some music to
welcome you when you get home after a hard day of sieges and dredgion.
You’ve searched the Internet for information on how to write scripts. At best
you’ve found a Giant script, some bits of music you don’t really like, and hints
that there is possibly some information in Korean or Russian somewhere.
You’ve managed to customise your Butler’s welcome messages. But nowhere
can you find the information you need to create your own, unique scripts.
Search no more. This book tells you everything you want to know, (and
probably a lot you don’t.) Every available script function is explained. Code
samples get you working on your stuff quickly. Even the music system is
explained, so that you can put together renditions of your favourite songs.
Paul Keating is a professional programmer who has learned more than 25
programming languages (not counting dialects), and has put over 30 years of
programming experience into deciphering the script system─creating a
version of Richard Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries” for his wife’s Cleric in the
Free Examples
Published August 2016